Recent content by MMreef

  1. MMreef

    Invert saturday

    We have Thursday and Friday taken already, so let's do invert Saturday. Post favorites pictures of your inverts, let's see what you have. Porcelain crab [/url]porcelain crab by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
  2. MMreef

    Fish pictures thread

    Post best pictures of your fish with full common name and Latin. This should be fun, everybody has many fish in their tanks. I will start: Chalk Basslet ( Serranus tortugarum) [/url]chalk bass by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
  3. MMreef

    Igwami aquascape freshwater planted tank

    Hi, since this is not reef related, I posted in lounge. My 12 gal. long will be set up as a freshwater planted tank, with igwami layout. Basically stones and short carpet grass. I have to aquascapes that I like the most from what I did, please give me your opinion which one you like better...
  4. MMreef

    Go cubs go !!!

    Congratulations to Chicago Cubs for winning NLCS !!! 4 more to go !!!
  5. MMreef

    Return of the Nano.....

    Has been sitting empty for few months, now filled with water, sand and ready for more..., details soon to come :) [/url]mr aqua 12 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG] cool reflection of my NPS Elos [/url]reflection in nano by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
  6. MMreef

    CMAS swap- what did you get ?

    Hello , post pictures of stuff, corals, etc. that you got at CMAS swap today. I got a full box of NPS corals, 3 sun corals and 4 gorgonians, too bad there was only one vendor selling those. [/url]IMG_4862 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG] [/url]IMG_4863 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG] and all...
  7. MMreef

    Dear LFS, I want to buy from you, but.....

    First of all, this is not an attack on any LFS that I visit, most LFS are run almost the same with the exception of maybe one I know. All things covered in this post happen regularly in most of them. I know it is hard to make money running LFS , but maybe this will help you to get that one extra...
  8. MMreef

    SOS Zaya -skimmer overflow stopper review

    I come across this video and article last Wednesday, waiting for my car repair at dealership and it got me intrigued. Found some more info on RC and few happy users and decided to order it myself. $54 shipped in...
  9. MMreef

    What light for refugium?

    Looking for advice on what light to get for my 40 gal. refugium, I want LED for low heat and power savings but strong enough to grow macro algae. Any suggestions ? Currently I am looking at this
  10. MMreef

    Fish QT service: is there need for it and how much would you pay?

    Ok, from years in this hobby ,reading different forums i know a lot of people do not qt their fish hoping for the best, or buying from LFS that claim that their fish is qt, where mostly they are just conditioned for few weeks, not fully quarantined and still hoping for the best. :) The two...
  11. MMreef

    Muriatic acid bath help

    Hi, anybody here did a Muriatic acid bath for their LR? I have read many threads about it, but would like to hear some feedback directly from someone here on how to proceed. I have dry rock that I want to treat with it, mainly to remove any PO4 that might be in the rock. Thanks in advance.
  12. MMreef

    Chloroquine phosphate - looking for 3 people

    Hi, I am about to order chloroquine phosphate for my upcoming qt system. If you know this is a lot safer then copper and easier on delicate fish. It treats most of external protozoans (ich, velvet, brook, uronema),works the same as copper, successfully targeting the “free swimming” or theront...
  13. MMreef

    TB SALTWATER Live Rock group buy

    Hi, i am looking for few people interested in this great live rock from TB Saltwater. If you haven't heard about it, google it or read some threads on different forums. Best LR by far and also aquacultured in Florida. I am looking for about 40 Ibs, unfortunately shipping charge is for min. 100...
  14. MMreef

    Look at your tank from totally different perspective - post your pictures here

    I just downloaded this super cool app called super photo. Some pictures of my tank , I think this is great. Post pictures of your tank and fish as well, let's make this fun :) [/url]SuperPhoto_160101212420 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG] [/url]SuperPhoto_160101212031 by Mark Mikina, on...
  15. MMreef

    The journey begins - Elos 120 XL

    Ok, my build finally begins. After moving to new house and spending all summer and fall for renovation, finally I have time to start my tank again. It is going in my basement ( my man cave ). Today I build a frame for my stand, it will be finished to match my wall. All filtration and equipment...