Breeding Cleaner Shrinp?


New member
Hey everyone I have a mated pair of cleaner shrimp and was wondering how to actually catch/hatch/raise the babies? I have seen one release so far and my fish had a feeding frenzy off em. All I could think was that was like $1000 of a feast lol If I could raise em and sell em cheap like $5-$10 each it would help fund my new setup.



Active member
I've wondered the same thing for a while too. I have a pair also and I alway see the female with eggs . They're in a 5 gallon tank by themselves so there is no predators.


It can be done but has not been done on a large scale. I have read you can use baby brine shrimp as a first food. The hard part is out of a batch having a high success rate. Most articles I have read of people who have tried ended up with a handful of shrimp.


Premium member
yep, they're hermaphroditic. They'll both carry eggs when mature enough. Within a day or so of releasing larva they'll then molt from my experience. Fish and corals loved the larva and some would find their way into the sump living there for a few days to a week.


New member
Next time I see the eggs I may have to catch her and buy a breeder net and give it a shot. I have a 3g small tank I could setup to try it out. worst case is I fail but if I can get a few to live to maturity then success. The thought of raising my own and if a few live then keep them would be pretty cool. Seems like most who have tried have failed on a big scale but smaller batches seem to possibly do much better.


New member
Buy a larvae catcher it will do a lot of the work for you , turn it on at night when all lights go out . Chad vossen sells a real good one .


New member
I know nothing on the subject, but y not take the shrimp out and put them in a separate tank away from your fish?