Search results

  1. Sawdonkey

    Reef Inspired Cocktail Lounge Coming to Lakeview (Belmont/Sheffield)

    Looks pretty cool. Looks like they will have 7 reef tanks put together by Tank it Easy. I can't wait to taste their "Skimmer Cup" signature cocktail! Story Here
  2. Sawdonkey

    240 Gallon Build

    I’ve moved, got a new tank, realized it wasn’t big enough for me, and now have a new tank in my possession. Stay tuned for my next build…….72 X 32 X 24. I had this tank made by Crystal Dynamics about four months ago and it showed up today. Now I have to get it in my basement and on the...
  3. Sawdonkey

    Update your threads

    Come on peeps! I just scrolled through the threads on this forum and as I got really far down the list, I saw only two non-for sale threads. Show everyone what you’re working on and let’s keep this place from looking like Craigslist.
  4. Sawdonkey

    Windy City Reefs

    Is this an active company? I know their frags are still floating around, but I thought they shut it down years ago? Tonight I stumbled on to their website and it has products that are somewhat new. Did someone start the company back up? Is the website just a zombie website that isn’t really...
  5. Sawdonkey

    Are we just selling stuff?

    I just skimmed through the forum and it’s sad that this place has just become a for sale forum. Barely any content. I counted. In the last 50 posts, there are 5 non-for sale posts. Great for buying stuff....terrible for keeping me excited about the hobby. So on that note, let’s share what...
  6. Sawdonkey

    Sawdonkey’s 210 Build #2

    It’s finally happening. My condo is rebuilt and I moved back in. I’ve ordered a new 210 gallon tank, a glass holes overflow kit, a 40 breeder for a sump, and a custom acrylic baffle kit. Over the weekend, I rebuilt my old stand and fixed the things that always bothered me. I put two thick...
  7. Sawdonkey

    Sawdonkey's Breakdown / Rebuild

    Today, I'm going to my condo to begin breaking down my 220 that has been running for four years. After the fire in my neighbors condo, I have to move it down the hallway to a spare bedroom while contractors renovate my whole house. I plan to keep it running the whole time, but i'm using the...
  8. Sawdonkey

    Where do you buy crabs and snails?

    I need a handful of turbo snails and a bunch of crabs. Where do you get yours. I was going to order from live aquaria, but thought maybe I can find the nearby (in or close to the city)?
  9. Sawdonkey

    Smart Things as a Controller

    Has anyone considered using Samsung's SmartThings as a controller of sorts? I'm making my dumb house a smart house, and with all of the third party hardware and open source code, it seems that you could probably do nearly everything a controller can do? Some of the things it can do: Water...
  10. Sawdonkey

    Need a Return Pump (mine broke)

    Came home from work tonight to find my return pump not working. This is the second Jaebo DC12000 to die in about 1.5 years, so I'm ready to go with a more reputable pump. Right now, my tank is running with my pump that I use for water changes with a hose going over the top. My biopellets...
  11. Sawdonkey

    Reef Raft Leftovers

    Reef Raft USA just had a live sale and they posted everything that didn't sell on their site for half off, and there is a lot! The half off prices are in addition to the live sale prices. So for example, right now you can get Yellow Mamba for $50. There are a ton of other sticks for $30 or...
  12. Sawdonkey

    Check Out this Color

    I cut a frag of PC Rainbow off of my mother and it's been in my "frag sump" for a while. The colors are pretty amazing on this thing and much better than the mother even. Even has some blue on the base. Now happily living in UltimateMJ's tank.
  13. Sawdonkey

    Exotic Aquatics

    Did you guys see the flaming these guys took over offering complete setups for Nemos and Doris? The clownfish setup came with a six gallon and the tang setup came with a 30 gallon. They took a lot of heat on R2R, Insta, and FB.
  14. Sawdonkey

    Looking to buy Mystery Wrasse

    Has anyone seen that at a LFS recently? I want to pick one up.
  15. Sawdonkey

    Who's an electrician?

    I'm trying to put in some gfci outlets and I'm struggling. I got the gfci with built in alarm so I will hear if an outlet trips. I've installed one, and the green light is lit on the outlet, but it has no power. Power is still flowing through it because the outlets one either side of it are...
  16. Sawdonkey

    Super Cheap and Easy

    Not sure who's seen this, but I about pissed myself laughing. I love that he is smoking in his fish room.
  17. Sawdonkey

    Well, this is ugly...
  18. Sawdonkey

    Smoking Deal on Montis

    Check this out. I'm not affiliated, just thought it is a great deal. I want that grafted cap.
  19. Sawdonkey

    Clown Pairing

    I bought a pair of black snowflakes about a year and a half ago. About three months ago, one of them just died. No idea why. It looked perfectly fine except for being dead. New Fish has Wyoming Whites right now for $30. They are quite a bit smaller than my black snowflake. Do you...
  20. Sawdonkey

    Reef Crystal for $32 160 Bucket at Petsmart

    Like the title says. Plus fee shipping after $49