Sawdonkey’s 210 Build #2


Premium member
It’s finally happening. My condo is rebuilt and I moved back in. I’ve ordered a new 210 gallon tank, a glass holes overflow kit, a 40 breeder for a sump, and a custom acrylic baffle kit.

Over the weekend, I rebuilt my old stand and fixed the things that always bothered me. I put two thick coats of flex seal on the lower part of the stand, so if anything ever leaks, it will hold about 20 gallons better than a kiddie pool and will keep my new hard wood floors safe.

Here’s my old tank that’s been running in this condition for more than six months. No filtration, only one water change. Somehow there are a still a couple of SPS alive and of course, my two triggers are still in there.

Here’s the stand after putting one coat of white on it. One more coat and then I fix the walnut veneer. I’m then going to sand and re-finish the whole walnut stand and canopy.


This is where it go, same place as before:
Awesome. Who did you go with for your new tank?

Just got a standard 210 marineland with no overflows. Drilling for GlassHoles overflow box. Thought about going with a 180 to get rid of the height, but it was actually significantly more than the 210.

I’m getting the tank from a guy I know that has wholesale hookup.
I like the glassholes idea, what’s the plan for the return(s)?

I’ll drill for the return too. I got that kit from Glass holes too. I’ll reuse my echotech return pump. It’s the smaller one, I forget the name. I don’t like having a ton of water going through my sump, so I don’t even run it half power. A lot of people would say it’s too small of a pump for this size tank, but I see no point in pushing tons of water through my sump.
Baffles. Nice and neat with masking tape on the silicon. Still a couple more to put in. My sump will be a lot tighter with going to a 40B from a 75. However, I’ll have so much more space under my stand.

Still planning on keeping your frags down in the sump

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Yep. First chamber is return with chaeto (possibly reactors if nutrients are high), second will be frag racks, third is skimmer, 4th is return pump.
Looking good.

What’s the theory on placing the return right next to overflow box? My tanks (Marineland reefready 75g) are like this, but I always thought if I drilled a tank, the overflow and returns would have more distance between them.
Looking good.

What’s the theory on placing the return right next to overflow box? My tanks (Marineland reefready 75g) are like this, but I always thought if I drilled a tank, the overflow and returns would have more distance between them.

I put the overflow under a cross brace where it won’t be highlighted by lights. Kept the return close just to keep the clutter in one place-ish. Also, there will be enough flow coming from the return that it will be pushed away from the overflow.
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Nice shiny and new

I’ve also got one that is none of those things. You can have it if you can carry it.....

Seriously though, if anyone wants my old 220 (has overflows and is scratched a little) they can have it for free.

Same goes for my old sump. It’s basically a 75 with two bulkheads on one end. Also slightly scratched.
Build looks like it is moving along very nice. How do you move that beast (220g), you got a lot of local friends?

Regarding the drilling, did you make the wooden looking template?
Build looks like it is moving along very nice. How do you move that beast (220g), you got a lot of local friends?

Regarding the drilling, did you make the wooden looking template?

Me, one other dude, an appliance dolly, and a 4-wheel dolly. Not too bad really for a tank that weighs probably 3-400 lbs.

The glass holes kit comes with a drilling template.