Coral banded shrimp and Harlequin shrimp


New member
I have a 75 gal mixed reef tank and currently have a small red coral banded shrimp ( i know they get bigger) , however I have been wanting to add a pair of Harlequin shrimp. I have been doing a lot of research and better reading mixed review of keeping the two together. I was curious is anyone has had experience with the two together or steer me in the right direction. Also to add the reason I want to get rid of aestra star population.


Premium member
Never had any issues. Also the harlequin has taken care of 95% of my Astraea star issue in about three weeks.


Premium member
Haven't had either with the coral banded. Had a blood red fire shrimp with one. They kept their distance and never really had issues.


Premium member
I had all three together. They all seemed to get along fine, but kept their distance. The harlequin died after the starfish were gone.