Bulk Reef Supply Adds 3D Product Views for Better Shopping Experience

Bulk Reef Supply, an Internet-based aquarium equipment vendor that most of us are familiar with, has really stepped up their customer experience by offering their products to aquarium hobbyists in a way that nobody else is doing. Instead of just showing off products in a two-dimensional format, BRS has incorporated a fully interactive 3D product view for many different products on their site. Sure, this feature is available on automobile websites and other online retail stores throughout the web, but from what we know, BRS is the first to bring it to the online aquarium world.

Regardless of who did it first, this new feature to BRS is enormously handy. Hobbyists can view all sides of a particular product prior to purchasing, which may steer some folks down the right path if they were undecided on a purchase for one reason or another. This feature is also really helpful when it comes time to assemble new gear. Let’s face it, instructions aren’t always the greatest, and with all of the bells and whistles that accompany most equipment these days, it can be quite difficult just to get the item up and running. With the 3D images, users can see how pumps are affixed to protein skimmers or even how RO/DI systems are pieced together.

Not every product on the website has this 3D view and the views themselves only rotate left or right and don’t allow for zooming, although there is a larger version. We wouldn’t mind seeing a little rotation along the y-axis and more products with this feature, but we’re quite content with the new feature so far. Heck, they’ve even got some live rock photos in 3D.

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