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  • Mjl714
    Mjl714 reacted to Chicagoreefs's post in the thread Testing strips? with Like Like.
    Most people I know use either the Salifert kits for magnesium and calcium, API for ammonium, nitrite and sometime nitrate, Hanna is...
  • C
    Chicagoreefs replied to the thread Site Maintenance.
    Sending you a pm, Thanks
  • C
    coral49 replied to the thread Site Maintenance.
    I cannot get a password reset link shared to my email, I have been trying to reset password cause i forgot old one.. it will not send me...
  • Chase_The_Reefer
    Chase_The_Reefer replied to the thread Site Maintenance.
    That’s awesome, the site looks so good.
  • Chase_The_Reefer
    Chase_The_Reefer reacted to Chicagoreefs's post in the thread Site Maintenance with Like Like.
    Most of our site maintenance and updates have been completed. Can you let me know if you are having any issues. Thanks for your patience
  • C
    Chicagoreefs replied to the thread Site Maintenance.
    Most of our site maintenance and updates have been completed. Can you let me know if you are having any issues. Thanks for your patience
  • C
    Chicagoreefs replied to the thread Testing strips?.
    Most people I know use either the Salifert kits for magnesium and calcium, API for ammonium, nitrite and sometime nitrate, Hanna is...
  • trackfast
    trackfast posted the thread Testing strips? in Water Chemistry.
    I used to get the API testing kits when I actually tested. :unsure: Have testing strips gotten more accurate or is API still the...