Clean up crew suggestions


New member
Currently I have about 30 asteria snails, 30 hermits, 15 blue leg, 3 emerald green crabs and 4 pepremint shrimp. I am planning on adding some black turbos, Nassarius, mexican turbos and a fighting conch. Any other suggestions to add? the tank set up is;

210 RR
35 gal sump
300+ lbs LR
200+ lbs LS

Powder Blue Tang
Naso Tang
Coral Beauty Angel
Majestic Angel
Stripped Damsel
2 - Osc Clowns
2 - Picasso Clowns
2 - Black / White Clowns
Royal Gramma
Mand Goby

Carpet Leather
Blue Shrooms
Blue Stripped Shrooms
Superman Shrooms
Forgot the name, like a kenya w/ green tips


New member
Well, I picked up some more today, got;

3 - mexican Turbos
10 nassarius
3 tonga nassarius
horseshoe crab
queen conch

Next will be some stars, thinking a couple sand shifters, brittle and serpents.


gotta know how big the horseshoe gets!


the queen conch with the horseshoe is gonna kill any deadspots in the sand just by themselves.


Premium member
Congrats on the new additions...that horseshoe crab is gonna get huge. And I believe every reef tank should have a conch.


New member
Horseshoe crabs are a terrible idea for an average tank., Not only do they only eat creatures in the sand bed (creatures you need for a healthy SB), it would take a SB of 20' x 20' to sustain one. One of those creatures best left in the ocean.


Premium member
I agree with you 100% Jen...but you'd be surprised how many people still like them, and the lfs continue to stock them.


horseshoes are novelty at best, really not necessary when we have plenty of smaller stirrers that eat what the tank produces. and they're always buried so whats the deal?

haha but i did get puffs goin' on owens thread about stocking.