Cub21rak tank pics


New member
This is how it all got started. With a 6 gal jbj nano. Started a little bare but loved that the clowns were chillin with the anemone.

Then I said I like it but I want bigger! But before I went bigger I picked up more corals to fill what I had first.

The brain in this pic was given to me free cause it wasn't doing to well and wanted to see if it would do better in my tank which it didn't.
So this is where I went big
Stand started out looking like this

I bought this set up with a standard 75gal tank but then bought a 75rr shortly after
And after painting and new tank this is where i was

My wet/dry

Had to put 2x4 in canopy to mount my light

Cut hole in side to fit cords through

And here with sand rock water and light

No where near what it's like now. But I will be getting more up to date pics up ASAP
Thanks for looking


New member
I'm not sure the brand. But it has two 250w de mh bulbs. Four 65w pc lights and also moon light that only some work


New member
Here are some more up to dates as of this week.*

Some mushrooms, Kenya frag, A*forest fire digi that hasn't looked good since being put in there, wanna trade for it if u have better luck with them?*

Frogspawn I believe

One of my two squarespot anthias. I really like these guys. Both females right now. And you can see one of my chromis in background*

Some sort of leather thingy (I know very good on terminology)

This rock had 16 heads of dragon eyes before the leaching copper started to ruin it. Coppers gone and it's making a slow comeback

Silly little goby :) hardly ever see him

Some sort of idk, got an idea? I got one purple and one green. I really like them.*

Pic has hammer in back. Yellow tang, sailfin, pj cardinal, and one of the anthias. Also one of three turbos.*

This has the green unknown guy, recordia, and an acan. I love my acans. He don't look so hot there but second pic shows its true potential.*

Some sort of favia

Here's the purple and green guy when they were hurting when copper was in tank.*

Two clown buddies by they're bta. Bta hasn't been same since being out in 75g

These turbos I got from live aquaria where GINORMOUS*

Both anthias buddies

Green and purple acan. Like him but like the other one way better

Some of this I have gotten from other reef keepers in my area and some I got from MACI. that was my first event I have gone to. I'm still fresh having only reef since January or feb.*


New member
Here are some more up to dates as of this week.*
Some mushrooms, Kenya frag, A*forest fire digi that hasn't looked good since being put in there, wanna trade for it if u have better luck with them?*

My digi seems to be doing pretty well. You might try placing yours under high light with lots of flow. Digitada also need stablewater parameters like any SPS. If you're still not having luck or want to trade let me know maybe we can work something out if you're ever near the city.


New member
update after i visited mcf.
bit of an update.
yellow goby who always hides

and his buddy the fire shrimp who also always hides

i bought this a mcf yesterday and told its a green brain maze. got some long sweepers

right side tank shot

left tank shot


emerald crab with what i believe to be pinks zoas (got at mcf) and brown zoas

i love my acans got these at mcf

had these for while but love em

not the best but my squareblock anthias

this guy is awesome, black combtooth blenny. he chases my bicolor blenny around a bunch.

unknown red zoas from mcf

got the green from mcf and reds and purples from jeremy

really like this one, not great pick but some sort of orange zoas or paly idk? really small

they move too fast to get a good pic

green from mcf and the orange is sprouting a baby!!

bad pic but the guy on the left is slowly coming back around was fading

see a happy family!

from mcf



Active member
tank looks sweet, how long have you had the porcelain. ive never had them last more than a few weeks for me.
tanks a lil to small for two tangs IMO, those anthias get big 2....


New member
tank looks sweet, how long have you had the porcelain. ive never had them last more than a few weeks for me.
tanks a lil to small for two tangs IMO, those anthias get big 2....
Ive had the porcelain for about two months. Got him through liveaquaria. He's been great and kicked those clowns out of their space.
IMO itll be a while till they get cramp for space and I plan on having different setup before that happens.


New member
Figures is add a few new pics to my thread
First is of my daughter pulling herself up to my tank

This next one is an urchin I traded a frag for. Undecided if I'm liking him. He's been eating my coralline algae. I like the stuff but then I asked opinion on a store owner and he said coralline was eating up, I think he said, the calcium out the tank and he had to add lots more calc into the tank when coralline was present. When it was he didn't add early as much. Thoughts?

Also, are his spines suppose to be white on some?


New member
Also, just added a bunch of stuff today. Bought a new tank that had stuff in it. Tank needs a big cleaning and I took what I could outa it and into my 75.

This one isn't looking too hot. Not sure if it's still alive but we'll see

Some zoas I believe that had been hidden in algae and hope they start doing good

Some zoas in there too

Random ones in there. Once they open I'll post asking what they are

Mostly a snail grave, we'll see who comes alive

I will be doing an id request thread on the following

I bought this from booby in Lowell Indiana. Great guy! Thanks man! If your checking this out help me with id so I have them listed. I don't member stuff well.