Recent content by Mideast

  1. M

    75g mixed reef Mids 2 years old tank

    Been few years since i been on here. Took a break from the hobby but still had my tank running. Let me know what u guys think!
  2. M

    any idea? help? clownfish

    Woke up this morning and seen he lost half his color.. any idea what causes this?
  3. M

    Check this out!

    idk if this been posted b4 but what do u guys think? I talk to them and they looking to price it at 149$
  4. M

    firefish got babies??

    I have a 29g biocube and just today I noticed baby fish swimming around inside my live rock that the firefish always hides in. keep in mind I only have one firefish so no mate , I also have 2 clowns and a royal gamma. Reason I think its the fire fish is because its akways in that rock . Any info...
  5. M

    29g biocube (my first tank ever )

    I always wanted to do saltwater reef, finally the time was right ! I started this about a month ago I have about 29lbs lr and 20lbs live sand, got 2clowns firefish damsel and cleaner shrimp. Also got 3 snails and 3 hermits . Some o the rock came with red mushrooms that I didn't notice till they...
  6. M

    Condylacti question

    I picked this up today for like 7$ cuz I loved the way it looked. My question is , will it kill my clown fish? Do I have to keep it away from corals? Will it also be ok with my hermit crabs? Any info on this will help! Ty in advance ;)