Recent content by rockhead

  1. rockhead


  2. rockhead


    I have a lot of nice pieces I’ll text you a list[emoji1303]
  3. rockhead


    Thank you, using 2 g6 blues and 2 or3 bars all at 100% Yes those are my looking glasses sitting on the stand next to the tank[emoji38] Bare bottom is a dream I’ve always wanted and love that there is no sand for ammonia build up, I feel sand just holds a hidden problem if it’s disturbed then my...
  4. rockhead


    2 years old and running great
  5. rockhead


    It’s worth a watch, amazing footage
  6. rockhead

    PAR Meter for rent

    I can agree there, I only leave it in for a day or 2 just to get my base line. Thank you for the info
  7. rockhead

    PAR Meter for rent

    I would love to compare Neptune par meter with the 510 . Has anyone ever done that with the 2 meters? If your ever out in tinley park area lmk. Thank you Tom
  8. rockhead


    This guy
  9. rockhead

    Akaimal 375g sps dominated reef

    Very cool man , how long has this setup been running?
  10. rockhead

    Emergency anyone have ev832 I can buy or borrow until I can get one shipped to me

    Try Aqutica in Tinley park maybe get lucky he has a lot of stock.
  11. rockhead

    Help! White Fuzzy Algae.

    Well to be honest looks like it’s dying so keep doing what your doing
  12. rockhead

    Update your threads

    Thank you, it’s my first bare bottom
  13. rockhead

    Update your threads

    I had a 75 gal in the wall many years ago, no cube And thank you
  14. rockhead

    Update your threads

    All of the above [emoji13]I got my hands in everything. Have the Harley but need a winter hobby also.