Recent content by SantaMonica

  1. SantaMonica

    Video of your tank

    I think it's an .avi file from a camera; i could try.
  2. SantaMonica

    Video of your tank

    How about our eel vids...
  3. SantaMonica

    Evo 13.5 - Mandarin Growout Tank

    As long as they will be eating frozen or liquid, and not depending on the rocks, it should not be a problem.
  4. SantaMonica

    March 2020 Tank of the Month Contest

    Looking for a 2022 contest next :)
  5. SantaMonica

    Odd question

    Watching an Arrow Crab tear a worm apart is fairly neat to watch.
  6. SantaMonica

    Smart buddie and float valve.

    Some little tricks to test it: Tap on it Heat it with a hair dryer Put a magnet near it Based on what happens you can decide what is needed.
  7. SantaMonica

    Middle School Principal

    Welcome from the classroom.
  8. SantaMonica

    Wikipedia picture of the day: September 11, 2015

    Wikipedia picture of the day: September 11, 2015:
  9. SantaMonica

    Using Seaweed to get rid of nuisance algae in your aquarium or pond

    One of the neat things about nature is that it's had a long time to figure things out. Especially under water. Here, nature has figured out how to reduce all the "nutrients" to very low values, and also how to feed every aquatic animal (as well as consume half the world's CO2, and produce half...