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  1. thomas.sweeney.10

    Elmwood park where's a good LFS

    Hey I am in Elmwood park the wife and mother in law are baking cookies.......I'm not from the area so I have no idea of I am close to a good LFS that I have not been to or not any ideas??
  2. thomas.sweeney.10

    Look what the most awesome wife in the world bought me today

    A cool sump with skimmer some cool frags and a cocktail worm....and she's helping me set up the 39 gallon tank as a fefuge..... Love my wife. Now I need a pump for the skimmer a second pump for the fuge and some slick pvc work.Which I Excell at, will up date as it all comes together.[emoji1]
  3. thomas.sweeney.10

    Mystery of the missing bubble tip

    SO .....after 9 days of vacation and leaving a perfectly running tank in the care of a trusted family member....the anenome has disappeared. No trace no floatsom no parts no remnants no trace. It would expand to 3 to 4 inches at the foot with a healthy 6 to 7 inch plume of tentacles. Not...