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    Help with Calcium

    My tank is a 54G corner and i have a few mushrooms, zoenthids, hammer head and a montipora I also run GFO in a reactor (started 3 weeks ago). So Im using Reef Crystals params are: Mag - 1360 Alk - 11 dKH Calc - 200 I use BRS Calcium Chloride and i mix it using their 2 part recipe. I dose...
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    WTB Dolabella Sea Hare

    So I want to buy a Dolabella Sea Hare. I did my research and I am aware of all the issues that come with sea hares. I bought a Blue Spot Sea Hare but that one wouldn't eat GHA for some reason. Now I found out that pretty much only Dolabella Sea Hares eat GHA. Does anyone know what store might...
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    Maxima clam

    Ive been looking to buy a maxima clam for a while now but cant seem to find one at any of the LFSs that i went to. Does anyone know where they are for sale. I would really like a smaller one so i can watch it grow:) THANK YOU FOR ANY TIPS!!!!
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    Female clown beating the hell out of male

    So my female clown is beating the hell out of my male. This is a second male. The first one didnt make it. They are not new fish. Female has been in the tank for 8 months and male for 2. I had to move him to the sump cause she was ripping out his fins. Is this normal? Do the female clowns have...
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    Bluespot Jawfish

    Will a bluespot fight with a bicolor blenny or a ruby red dragonnet? this is a corner 54G tank, all wish are peaceful? Any thoughts? also is a longnose hawkfish a good choice for a reef?
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    How often do you change your RO filters?

    I was thinking of getting a RO/DI system for my 54G tank for Christmas. I just had a few questions: 1. In real life use, how often do u change the filters/resin/membrane? 2. is this system a good value:
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    Mocha clown weird swimming

    So my mocha clown is acting weird. Its swimming on its side and only eating a little. Its not its normal behavior. The pair has been in the tank for 7 months. Havent changed tank params at all. I did add tigger pods to the tank yesterday. Clowns were acting fine yesterday but today the male...
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    Ruby red dragonnet

    I had a question: what foods do u feed your dragonets. Mine only eats live pods and its getting expensive to buy them all the time. Did anyone get theirs to eat R.O.E - Real Oceanic Eggs. Or are there better foods for this fish. Mine ignores cyclopeez and i read that they can be finiky with...
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    Advice on a fish

    So I have a 54G corner tank with: 2 Mocha Clowns, a ruby red scooter dragonnet, a fire fish, a purple dottyback, a bicolor blenny. I would like to get one more fish but im not sure which one would be a good fit. I tried a Twospot Hogfish but it turned homicidal and started trying to kill...
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    Open brain coral dying

    So i had this open brain coral for a few months. It started receding and once i fixed the water issues it stopped and looked like it was doing better. It was swelling up during the night but it would not eat. This morning though it receded like crazy there is way more skeleton showing. I really...
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    Ruby red dragonnet

    I just had a quick question, would appreciate some advice: i have a ruby red dragonnet in a 54G corner tank (i know too small, lfs screwed me) but i decided to keep it. I keep adding pods to the refugium and the dragonnet seemed to be happy. Its head would be bobbing up and down all the time. It...
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    Ruby Red Dragonet

    I have a Ruby Red dragonet . its been in my tank (54g corner, 40 lb of LR) for a month now. I also have a small refugium in my tank that i keep cheato that i seeded with pods. The fish is active and keeps picking at the sand and rock all the time. My question is: how can i tell if it is healthy...
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    Can anyone help me identify this coral?

    So I got this coral from a friend and I don't know what its name is. Need to find out so I know how to take care of it properly. Please Help!!!