Search results

  1. GugsJr

    I’m looking to step up my Photography game

    A good DSLR where you can change the white balance is what you're looking for. I have a nice setup with a 100mm Macro lens, I'd recommend a 60mm lens for shooting corals
  2. GugsJr

    Spam messages

    Shocking I know
  3. GugsJr

    How Long Have You Been in the Hobby?

    Over 15 years, i started with fresh water when I was 15
  4. GugsJr

    GugsJr 75 gallon

    Never made a build thready for my 75 gallon. 36x24x20 Here is a photo though. I ended up keeping frags and selling my colonies!
  5. GugsJr

    Akaimal 375g sps dominated reef

    Looking good
  6. GugsJr

    Facebook That's our page for anyone interested
  7. GugsJr

    Update your threads

    I'll get some pictures of my downsized 75 gallon
  8. GugsJr

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas
  9. GugsJr

    Trident or Alkatronic

    Alkatronic was easier to setup. Apps let's cumbersome as well
  10. GugsJr

    Trident or Alkatronic

    Alkatronic, I haven't used a Trident but just read too much bad on it. I loved my Alkatronic just had to get rid of it because it was too big for my cabinet when I downsized and I went with the kH Director
  11. GugsJr

    Mixed 60 cube build

    Great progress
  12. GugsJr

    Reefbot Review

    What are you testing with it? I use an Alkatronic for my All and like that the waste goes back into the tank
  13. GugsJr

    new 40 gal build

    Yeah they never called back with a second quote for comparison so I found an acrylic tank with the perfect dimensions. I'll be posting up a build soon.
  14. GugsJr

    new 40 gal build

    Looking good. Are you the one that recommended the glass place in Chicago to me on Facebook?
  15. GugsJr

    Funlad3's 45 Gallon 3' x 2' x 1' Acropora Lagoon

    Ohbwow, I missed that. Maybe I'll try that. I'm thinking about downsizing my 180. I wanted a 36x24x20 rimless
  16. GugsJr

    Best SPS you ever had or wanted

    RRC Jaw Dropper