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  1. F

    1-551-333-9381 tried to scam me BEWARE !!!

    Hello everyone. Someone from this number messaged me yesterday pretending to be sawdonkey trying to sell me the torch that he has posted. The person wanted my address so his delivery guy could deliver the coral to me. He only wanted half the money sent to him to hold the coral for me so his...
  2. F

    Just caught a Eunice worm

    Just caught this Eunice worm walking along sand bed at glass so pulled him out. Got a cool white strip behind his head and can see his antenna sticking out. Been in my tank awhile living in base of a bleeding apple scoly every couple weeks I’d see him pop his head out and I told him I would get...
  3. F

    Wondering how often do you have to replace you rodi membrane,filters,media?

    Hello everyone I was curious how often others here in Chicago have to replace there sediment filters,carbon blocks,membrane, and di resin. I realize the manufacture puts recommended time or gallons for the product on there sites but I find these values way off from what I’m getting. The reason...
  4. F

    Premium membership

    Hello I was a little confused as to where to make this post so I decided it was a bug. my issue is months back I bought a premium membership so I could show my support for the website and for some reason it looks like I did not get membership premium status I did send an administrator a private...
  5. F

    Messing with my new microscope

    So I originally bought a microscope so I could try to I’d some of the algae in my tank so I could properly treat it to go away. In the time I waited for delivery most my algae has gone away on its own so this did not seem as important to me anymore. But I still wanted to play with my new toy...
  6. F

    Questions/conversation about dosing and when it’s to much and time to switch to calcium reactor.

    Hello past few weeks this question has been starting to pop into my head. My system is 250 gallons total with display , frag tank, separate refugium , and sump. After finally getting my ph stabilized and consistently above 8.25-8.3 With a pretty extravagant Co2 scrubber setup outside air plumbed...
  7. F

    chloramines In our city water?

    Hello everyone yet another day my wheels are spinning on how I’m gunna make my reef tank better then it is so after all my morning reading I’ve come across few people having issues with chloramines in there supply water that there RODI systems are not fully removing and eventually getting into...