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  1. tinman

    Sawdonkey’s 210 Build #2

    Awesome Gunner Haha being a big boy (tank) it can take a lot of beating it seems :) Looks good :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. tinman

    Getting back in.....

    I have a radion g4pro on a 24x24 and 20inch tank and i could never go beyond 20% on the intensity If done right you can hang it high enough to get full tank coverage and i don’t think you can still go over 50% with out burning corals :) Good thing with radion is you can mount it from wall...
  3. tinman

    Getting back in.....

    if you havent. already bought these 2x Reefbreeders Photon 24 V2+ 2x Reefbreeders RP-M go with a radion g5 pro .. one light would be plenty for growing anything in that tank and looks awesome aesthetically
  4. tinman

    Getting back in.....

    looking sweet .. did the tank come with plumbing ?
  5. tinman

    What is it? I need you guys advice.

    how long has the tank been cycled ? it could be Cyano all new tanks have it .. dont worry much about it .. if no corals run your light lesser time
  6. tinman

    Sawdonkey’s 210 Build #2

    Haha no buddy All acros died for me .. i only have couple of zoa frags in the tank right now :( no acros not even one and no nems either .. kinda on autopilot with just monthly water changes Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. tinman

    Sawdonkey’s 210 Build #2

    wow awesome pics as always .. keep up the good work
  8. tinman

    Sawdonkey’s 210 Build #2

    Awesome looking tank as always Gunner ..
  9. tinman

    Two Free Stocks on WeBull

    +1 unless you went into TSLA lsst year when its around 200 it wouldn't have turned that 1k into 10k :) and at 200 TSLA is still a gamble... investing in individual stocks is what i do ..(i do some ETFs to but only when i know the gains are a sure shot, ETFs move with the market so have to...
  10. tinman

    Sawdonkey’s 210 Build #2

    yep i am due and update :) unfortunately my tank is not doing that great .. stuff is not dying but the colors are not there yet and also not growing for some reason .. all params are checking out but still
  11. tinman

    Sawdonkey’s 210 Build #2

    wow .. nice Gunner .. tank looks beautiful
  12. tinman

    Best SPS you ever had or wanted

    that looks like ASD rainbow milli ?
  13. tinman

    Best SPS you ever had or wanted

    yes i did :)
  14. tinman

    Best SPS you ever had or wanted

    heyy Hung how you been .. sorry was not frequenting this forum much :) ill text you later. .
  15. tinman

    Xmoji 57 Gallon Reef Tank

    nothing brings our colors in acans like a kessil :)
  16. tinman

    Moving 75 gallon tank across country

    Exactly what i thought Left them for 2 days in a 30 gallon rubbermaid and pump and heater .. lost a cherub angel, flame angel, flame hawk.. and 6 tyedye jawbreakers with green on them :) No they dont like it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. tinman

    Moving 75 gallon tank across country

    Also think about the livestock.. after that much travel .. would tank setup be the first on your list of to dos ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. tinman

    Moving 75 gallon tank across country

    It is a very risky move Most often the movers excuse about damage is “its like that when we loaded up” Insurance is for sure a need when moving something like that Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. tinman

    Best SPS you ever had or wanted

    thats a sweet chalice for sure .. . anyone else with their fav pieces ?
  20. tinman

    Tinsreef 2.0

    Majority are from single source @Raising Reefs Few from another reefer on here After my debacle with one of the purchases, i am going to stick to sources that are known to me haha Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk