Apex Fusion Bus


Hey fellow reefers, just saw a big Apex fusion bus outside Beyond the reef if anyone is interested. They're doing demos over there.


Active member
No BBQ, they had a raffle, some guy won the AFS along with a few other goodies. I just won food. :(

4+ hour round trip and all i walked away with was food(two sample packs). (I did buy a AFS tho)


Team CR
No BBQ, they had a raffle, some guy won the AFS along with a few other goodies. I just won food. :(

4+ hour round trip and all i walked away with was food(two sample packs). (I did buy a AFS tho)

How much Gary?
Hey Gary I was there yesterday too. I was going to buy a couple things from them but like you said no discount, and I wasn't sure if there was a mark up on the stuff or just their normal pricing. I thought I over heard the guy from apex say the guy that one the afs won all the other stuff from earlier in the day too. I thought it was kinda funny they gave employees raffle tickets.


Active member
Were you in the yellow?

I think giving them raffle tickets was silly, they had to show up and got paid, i spent 4.5 hours in the car, gas money and actually bought a AFS unit and I didn't even get a T Shirt.... :( But they were "given" some.

Grey shirt, I had my wife and my little girl with. Hell they should of at least gave you a shirt. The sample food that you "won", was siting out on that table and I almost grabbed a pack because I thought they were just free samples they were giving out.