Black ick, Blue tang


New member
Okay so I'm off at college and my reef/fish tank is home. The mother is a little hypochondriac with fish problems, but recently she said there are black dots on my blue tang (I got him two weeks ago.)

29 gal, about 5 other fish, there's a cleaner shrimp/wrasse also. Lots of coral. Water parameters are good, buffer was a little bit low but it should be at an adequate level.

The tang's behavior is normal. I'm going to confirm the black spots being black ich tomorrow. Once I do should I start freshwater dipping or I read something about formalin etc. I need some help here if anyone has experience or knowledge on this matter


Active member
Not sure what it might be. Picture might be helpful. Aloooot of livestock in there for a 29 though. . . .


New member
A picture would help, post one after you get home and see your fish. Here's info on "black ich"

It's not really ich, but a flatworm disease. The treatment is pretty much the same as ich. when I used to have ich problems, I tried hyposalinity, copper, formalin. All treatments killed my fishes. I then tried garlic and it worked wonders for me. I didn't even have to take any fish out of my DT. I just bought a jar of minced garlic, threw a pinch in the tank once a day with the food, cured all my ich problems. All corals and inverts were fine. It made my tank stink like garlic, but didn't lose any pets.


New member
Good link I have done very well treating ich w/ hyposalinity. Garlic will sometimes work for a mild case.

A picture would help, post one after you get home and see your fish. Here's info on "black ich"

It's not really ich, but a flatworm disease. The treatment is pretty much the same as ich. when I used to have ich problems, I tried hyposalinity, copper, formalin. All treatments killed my fishes. I then tried garlic and it worked wonders for me. I didn't even have to take any fish out of my DT. I just bought a jar of minced garlic, threw a pinch in the tank once a day with the food, cured all my ich problems. All corals and inverts were fine. It made my tank stink like garlic, but didn't lose any pets.


New member
Yeah, I guess when I tried doing hyposalinity, I was pretty new and using a hydrometer (piece of poop). I learned my lesson and purchased a refractometer. I guess if you have the right equipment, you should be ok. But garlic is great to treat the whole tank.


New member
i use kordon 100% natural ick treatment for treating ick (green bottle) 100% reef safe ick treatment will cure corals as well....very good product..


Active member
Black Ich is a very rare form of Ich,it affects mostly tangs and some angels,it is treated very much the same way as cryptocarin.hypo is a less stressful treatment.I would never put a tang in a 29 with 4 other fish.It's a bit irresponsible on your behalf.To top it off you are away in school.Pleaded consider a QT tank and return it to a lfs.