Blue Jaw Trigger Issue


I just purchased this male and female blue jaw trigger fish about a week ago. I added them to my quarantine tank. They seemed to be eating and acting normal until I noticed the male this morning. His eyes are cloudy, had white specs on him, fins seem to be rotting and is not eating. Hie is breathing semi rapidly. At first it looked like advanced ich but maybe it is brook or velvet. I did a fresh water dip earlier today. I can not get any medicine until tomorrow. The female is eating and active. She did look like she had a couple of dots on her but otherwise seems okay. The male seems like something is shedding off of him. Here are a couple of pictures. I will grab whatever I can in the morning to try and help. Can somebody make an ID of what it is? Even if he does not make it I want to medicate her ASAP.

Tank parameters are 1.020, temp 78 and ammonium, nitrite and nitrate are zero



New member
What are you looking for in meds Tom? I have Maracyn Plus, Prazipro and Melafix if you need it tonight. LMK Not sure if it will help but LMK

Top Water

New member
I can't tell if ick but ick gets in gills and will effect gills casing rapid breathing
Lowering temp but no lower than 72 could help breathing until you can treat .
Because cooler water holds more oxygen


Thinking its velvet or ich with some bacterial issue. If its ich or velvet copper should help. If its brook I would have expected the fish to pass on already. The fish was already treated with prazi pro so it should not be flukes or something like that.