Buy One Get One 1/2 Off Coral and Fish Out of QT!

New Fish

New member
Happy Friday everyone! We're looking to make some room for a big coral order so ALL CORAL IN STORE IS BUY ONE GET ONE 50% OFF! OR 20% OFF ANY SINGLE CORAL 10/4-10/5! this includes colonies, frags, and clams (excludes coral in display tank)!

We also have a bunch of nice new fish coming out of QT and some that just came out. Here are some of the highlights, photos taken under basic white light with flash on. As always, for the most updated pricing and availability please call the store during normal business hours.

Blue Margin Fairy Wrasse - $80 - $72 w/Chicago Reefs Discount

2" Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse - $40 - $36 w/Chicago Reefs Discount

2" Christmas Wrasse - $50 - $45 w/Chicago Reefs Discount

Gold Headed Sleeper Gobies - $25ea - $22.50 w/Chicago Reefs Discount

2" Clown Trigger - $50 - $45 w/Chicago Reefs Discount

XL Potters Angel - SOLD

XXL Purple Tang we took in. Has some HLLE scarring but still a beautiful fish - $120 - $108 w/Chicago Reefs Discount

Longnose Hawkfish -

New Fish

New member
Just for fun, here are some photos of our 600G SPS Display tank too! Have a great weekend, we hope to see you soon!


New Fish

New member
You're right. They are gray with an orange shoulder as the become adults.
This is correct. The fish is an Orangeshoulder Tang (Acanthurus olivaceus). They start out muted yellow, turn bright yellow, then begin to gray over time. They have also been known to shift back and forth between adult and sub-adult coloration several times before becoming permanently gray.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our sale this weekend. We are planning another big fish order and coral order just for you CR, details to come!


Premium member
They had an awesome goby/shrimp pair last weekend. I would love to have them in my tank if my tank weren't so aggressive.