Closed Door Sale at Captain's Corals: JARC April 14th Meeting at 5pm in Bradley, IL


New member
The next meeting of the Joliet Area Reef Club (JARC) will be held this Saturday, April 14th at 5pm in Bradley, IL. This is a closed door sale at Captain's Corals. Please PM me for the address.
Everyone is welcome! Its free to attend. Morgan always takes care of us and will have a bunch of eye candy for you to drool over.

It will start at 5, but if you want to come by a little early that is fine. There will be Italian beef and chips and dip. If you want to bring a dish to share you are welcome, but it is not necessary. There will also be coolers and ice available since it is BYOB. Morgan always takes care of us and will have a bunch of eye candy.

There will be a monthly supporting member only super raffle;
Two $100 gift cards to Captain's Corals and one $50 gift card to Captain's Corals.

You need to be a supporting member to buy raffle tickets.
A supporting membership only costs $28 a year and you are eligible to buy raffle tickets at each of our monthly meetings. This can be paid online or at the meeting.
Buy one raffle ticket for $5 or 5 for $20.

We will also have a regular raffle where anyone can buy tickets and win, with nice prizes including gift certificates, fish food, tshirts, glass scrappers, and more!
The more members that RSVP to be at the meeting, the more prizes will be added to the mix.
Buy one raffle ticket for $1 or 25 for $20.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!!!! Happy reefing!

Please RSVP to this thread if you can.