Cloudy water?

So I came home today to find my bc29 with cloudy water. Everything has been ok until now. Water was crystal clear yesterday. Last time I did a water change was almost 2 weeks ago. I haven't had a chance to check params yet because I had to leave my house, so you can see how worried I am now. Just want to see if anyone has ever came home to something like this?
I dose hw miratio about once every other day. And I have been for the last 2 months. I don't have any sand sifters. I've read that it could be a bacteria bloom, but haven't seen if that's bad or what to do in that scenario.


Premium member
I had it few times uv is fastest way to get rid of it and easiest does not harm anything from my knowledge and experience think carbon and water changes help but sometimes just gotta run its course
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Thanks for the input guys. Unfortunately I don't have a UV sterilizer. I've read that throwing an airstone into the tank could help it out. So that's what I did last night. I woke up this morning and the tank was a bit clearer. Then when I came home, its almost back to normal. I hope it works out.


Premium member
good luck. had a longer term bacterial bloom when setting up the new tank that only stopped after adding UV for a couple weeks.
Thanks! The water has cleared up now. Only problem now is that a couple of my corals like my gold hammer, rbta and duncans wont open up. Hopefully they will go back to normal soon.
I did a water change last night (5 gallons). I normally throw renew my Purigen every 3 months, and I had some Phosgaurd and Carbon in there as well, & since it was time to renew the Purigen, I thought i'd change it up a bit. I ditched the carbon and Phosgaurd, and threw in some ChemiPure Elite and a new bag of Purigen. This morning, the water is crystal clear. So far everything BUT the duncan is opened up as normal. I'm hoping that this is just temporary and it opens back up soon.