Cool way to get clowns into an anemone


Premium member
Say this on Melves reef youtube site. Pretty cool



New member
IMO/E, this is a very very bad idea.

Way too risky --- at best it works, at worse, you end up with dead/eaten clowns.

Really bothers me when this is suggested. Imagine this with an S. haddoni, those clowns would have been toast. Plus, clowns don't "taste" the anemone, they use chemical cues to "smell" them --- this is an instinctual behavior.


Active member
I don't think it's that bad of an idea if you do it the right way. You obviously would have to do your homework on which clowns and anemone beforehand. With this method your not forcing the clowns into in unusual behavior, your just stimulating something that's natural. Jmo