

Premium member
Since I've been keeping sps's, I'm wondering if it would be safe to start using interceptor in my system...especially since I haven't dipped none of them. I know it kills red bugs, nudibranch's, flatworms, etc., but will it also kill my other inverts such as stars, shrimp, pods, snails, or cucumber? What do you guys think?


Active member
If you dont have pests,why use it? If your SPS are on the decline and you suspect redbugs,give it a shot.


Premium member
I agree with you 100%...I'm really just speaking in the future...of course we don't see red bugs or other pest, until it's too late sometimes...but just in case I do need to use it, I don't want it to kill all my other good stuff.


Active member
Don't do it as a preventative. Just watch your tank.... Consider yourself lucky for now, but dip all new additions!


Premium member
Thanks Eric...I'm thinking I won't have a problem, but I'm just thinking out loud just in case it got to that point where I did have to add it. Hopefully not. :) My lfs was telling me that it will kill my ornamental shrimps, and brittle starfish, and even my cucumber. I'm not trying to use it if it will kill all my inverts.


New member
I had monti black bugs, which I guess are similar to redbugs, and decided to use Interceptor because I wanted to continue trading/selling and nobody knew if they were bad or not. I followed the commonly prescribed dosage - about 1/3 of a large tablet for my 120G system. Of course, I took all the snails and hermits out that I could find first. I treated for 12 hours before doing a 25G water change w/new carbon and GFO.

Within the first 2 hours, all black bugs were dead. My cleaner shrimp that I couldn't get out made it through just fine, as well as all my pistol shrimp, snails that I didn't get, emerald crabs, gorilla crabs :( , and most porcelains. I probably lost about 15 hermits that were still in and about 3 porcelain crabs. Other than that, I saw nothing but positive effects. Heck, I may have even killed off some parasites living in the fish. I was very happy to see some good pods still running around the refugium too.

One important note is to wait to put back in the hermits for at least a week. I lost about 5 of the ones I put back in 24 hours after the treatment. But now the rest are fine. I ordered more snails and hermits to bolster the numbers after the treatment, and some good pods too. Other than a turf algae problem, my tank is doing well.


Premium member
Thanks Bryman, that was helpful information. I'm really worried about my large brittle star and my black cucumber dying and killing my whole tank.


New member
Oh, I forgot to mention also that I had a sand sifting star that I couldn't find and he's still alive and kicking. I would however take out whatever inverts you can to avoid chancing it.


Interceptor works by interfering with chiton, so animals which do not produce chiton will be unaffected by treatment (snails, nudis, cucs, etc). Red bugs are also visually confirmable, so you don't have to bother with guessing. We've had a ton of customers use interceptor with very few negative effects.


Premium member
Cool...thanks again for the information, you've really put my mind at ease. My lfs made it seem like it was the worst thing in the world.


New member
I think the most important thing is to get the dosage right. I followed the 1 large pill per 380-400G rule and it seemed to be just enough. All the bad bugs died quickly, but my shrimp and most larger crabs were fine. And I don't feel that it "nuked" my tank as I was worried.
Thanks Bryman, that was helpful information. I'm really worried about my large brittle star and my black cucumber dying and killing my whole tank.
I had to dose higher than the regular dose, don't remember what it was now, and my Tiger Tail Cucumber made it through just fine. He's very big though.


Premium member
Yeah, my cucumber is a nice size also, and my brittle star is the size of my hand.