LFS employee, with a tendency to gripe :p


New member
As you may have already guessed, I work at Old Town.
I'm in charge of the Saltwater fish five days a week.
If you're ever in the store, I'm the skinny kid feeding the conspicillatus angel.
Come say hi.
And I can ID inverts like a mothuh f*****.
I have a degree in zoology for that.
Feel free to pick my brain on inverts.
I also gripe endlessly about online retailers, apparently.
I have a mediocre 46g reef.
And a mediocre 100g FOWLR.
And a mediocre planted tank, just for the hell of it.
Someday I'l post mediocre photos of them.

Legal Disclaimer: my views are in no way representative of Old Town Aquarium.


New member
Hopefully he sticks around and continues speaking his mind! It's the essence of a good forum! Welcome to Chicago Reefs!