Reefwise: New fish arrivals including more dwarf morays!


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Another fish shipment has arrived full of the rare and the beautiful!! Here are a few of our favorites from the order....

Black Tang
Dwarf Golden Eels (awesome addition to your reef!)
Heniochus Diphreutes Bannerfish
Flame Pipefish Pair
Flame Angler
Whitebar Tangs
Orange Peel Angels

There is a huge selection of fish in our "Reef Ready" system that have all gone through our preventative QT process! There are too many to name all of them but here are a few.....

Rhomboid Wrasse Pairs
Flame Wrasse Pairs

Crosshatch Triggerfish Pair
Sargassum Triggers

Purple Tangs
Chevron Tangs
Kole Tangs - 10+ available in all sizes
Powder Brown Tangs - the best grazers of all time even eating bubble and hair algae

ORA Premium Black Ice Clownfish Pair (this pair has the nicest pattern I have seen to date!)
ORA Platinum Clownfish - only $69 each!

Goldflake Angelfish
Potters Angelfish - beautiful fish that has been at the shop 4+ weeks and eats like a champ
Flame Angelfish - 10+ available in all sizes

Yellow Pyramid Butterfly
Black Pyramid Butterfly
Declivis Butterfly


Active member
Are the golden dwarf eels 100% reef safe? I have some smaller fish in my tank, around 1.5-2.5". Would the eel eat them?


Premium Sponsor
They are reef safe meaning they don't mess with coral. They would probably eat a fish if they got the opportunity too. However, the fish would have to fit in their mouths which are very small. Fish that are tiger goby size would be at risk but probably not anything bigger than that.


DGM (dwarf golden morays) are almost always reef safe... though there is always the chance, its very unlikely they would grab something...just from personal experience...


ps: for the price reefwise is offering for the dg-morays, its a steal compared to the typical $300 price tag of mark up


Premium Sponsor
Erik, the rhomboid pairs are actually bonded pairs caught as pairs in the ocean. The males have really nice supermale coloration.

Green, we have lyretails but we are out of chromis at the moment.

Erik, the flame pipefish are pretty nice! I saw the pair last week while they were being acclimated next to some dragon face. There is no comparison how much more colorful they are!