What does "Melting" mean?


New member
Hey all! Can someone explain to me what coral melting means? I hear it all the time but don't quite understand it. Is it a buzz word for temp getting too hot and killing corals?


New member
i could be wrong on this but,
when soft corals die, they just kind of "melt" away into nothing.


Active member
It is a word for when coral is dying. In my experience it is mostly softies. I have had zoos and sympodium melt on me. They just kind of seem to be "melting" down.


New member
Haven't seen a melting coral?
Lucky U!
They really do look as though they are melting
Kinda like a melting wax candle.


Active member
wish id seen this thread sooner id post pics out of no where all my xenia except one stalk melted in 24 hours but all other coral are fine guess i found away to cut it back just widh i knew what i did lol