What's the best light for FOWLR


New member
I was wondering what the best lighting is for FOWLR tank. something not too bright to encourage algae growth, but will bring out the color of the fishes.


Active member
I run 2-48'' T5's and algea growth is almost non-existant.I only run 4blubs total,each fixture is 4x54w,but only fire 2bulbs/per fixture.


No, I'm not a communist..
If you want inexpensive, I had power compacts over my fowlr w/ a daylight and 420nm true actinic bulb. The colors popped. However, I'm starting a new 75G fowlr and will use a 4 bulb T5 fixture. I'm also wondering what color bulbs will work best. I'm thinking 1 daylight, 1 blue and 1 (or 2) true 420nm actinics. I'd like to hear what everyone else thinks too.


New member
Thanks, for responses. What color T5 is best for popping out color of fish?
Somewhere between 8-14k color along with a variety of quality foods will bring out the best color in your fish. Also, don't over-do your light, big fancy expensive lighting for a fowlr is totally unnecessary, and too much light will take away from the natural vibrance of your fish. Actinic bulbs (and royal blue LEDs) do nothing to bring out color in a good majority of fish (they mostly don't fluoresce like corals do) so keep that in mind as well.


Active member
what about some LED stunnder strips? I think current USA has come out with a new LED strip too (or is coming out with)


Active member
Well for fish only there is no sense in buying like a KZ fiji purple,you want daylight and any actinic spectrum,fish retain their coloration quite nicely,so no need for fancy bulbs.I say this cause i borrowed 11bulbs from kzpurple to actinic combo 75/25 and none made it look any nice that a plain old 12K and an actinic 03 bulb combo.HTH.