Will this come back?


Active member
Almost of the coral that was heavily damaged by the angel are coming back. The only one that hasn't changed at all is my hammer. It lost pretty much all color, and doesn't open.

It does look like it lost tentacles, but the ones still there seem to open like 1/8" or so and when touched retract. So I believe it is still alive, just wasn't sure if it'll come back, or still slowly going to die?


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If there's any flesh there's always a chance. I would leave it alone and just wait and see if it recovers; not much else you can do. GL
There is flesh. I had one die a few years ago and the flesh was there. But as soon as I waved my hand in front of it. It disintegrated. This one retracted.

I guess only time will tell

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What victor said is true.
I also have angels and they nip pick and eat. Ive had skeletons with barely any flesh. I gave them away to a buddy. His wife said "your friend only gives you his garbage" all 3 heads came back and even grew a other.

Corals recover and are more hardy than we think.
Think about it. We frag and they heal and continue to grow.

But yea. If theres flesh. It can come back...
But not if the angel is still there
Roughly 2 weeks later and it's beginning to color back up a little. Opens more and more each day.

Maybe 10-20% open so far. Guessing a few more weeks and it'll look like nothing ever happened.


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