Car stolen in Lincoln Park. Be careful out there.


Premium member
My wife was dropping off friends in Lincoln Park on Christmas Eve, a pretty nice neighborhood on a quiet street. She went to the trunk to get a present for the friend and as she closed the trunk door, someone jumped out of a car passing by, jumped into her car, and took off. My wife's purse, phone, wallet, house keys, everything was in the car. Yes, she made a mistake of leaving the car unattended for literally a minute but never have we thought this would happen to us. The police said this is actually happening A LOT in the city with gang members going to nice neighorhoods and stealing cars. It was depressing to hear from the cops that they can't do anything even when they know who are involved. The criminals are teenagers and they get 1-2 months of probation and they just do it all over again.

We tracked down my wife's phone to a parking lot next to a junk yard at California and Fulton (by Humboldt Park). They emptied out all the non valuable items in the car, kicked them into pile of snow, and took off again. We spent Christmas morning digging things out but can't find the actual phone. We suspect they threw it over a fence to the junk yard next door.

Just want to share this to warn others to be careful of their surroundings and stay safe out there. And if you happen to see a 2012 black Acura MDX with plates starting with P98 ****, call the police and report it.
Wow so sorry this happened to you. I hear so many instances like this one happening in very nice areas of the city. Please stay safe everyone and be aware of your surroundings.
So there's two types of Jack's. The ones that do it for income by selling the cars to shops that sell used parts. And the other kind of Jack that just does it for joyrides(minors)

ventually.... They're going to try that with someone who has ties to crime and will receive bullet holes in exchange for the joyride.

Recently there have been an increase in Jack's and crime(robberies) 2weeks ago was with an off duty officer who shot the perp and our tax dollars patched up the perp in the hospital but this helps the police if they can turn one on a group.

The odd part is. That with homicide rate dropping...crimes rising. At least before they were killing each other not going after society.

Hope your family gets the vehicle back. Good neighbor Hood means they're may be cameras in the area I would push the department in that area to check cameras.
The police said the same thing. These are gang members stealing cars for fun / showing off / initiation to gangs. There was a night where 15 cars were stolen in the same neighborhood. They steal cars, sell whatever is valuable inside, and then dump the car in rival gang turf to place blame on them.

Honestly, I don't care about the car since we have insurance. I am more concerned about identify theft and home invasion now that they have our keys and address. We are changing locks today. Just placed an order for security cameras outside.
That sucks! Good thing no one is hurt, ps. when evil takes away something from you the good Lord pays you back three fold !! X3.$$$ :)
Don't even know what to say how to feel about this but this is Put settings that individuals to do such a thing expression on a holiday season I wish you guys the best a luck if their it's anything we can doo feel free to ask
Sorry to hear about that. That's why I never leave the car running. It got bad in Naperville as well. When I was selling cars for Acura they would come from the city and take cars after a they went through the car wss or even the hand off from service.

Concealed carry....

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I truly believe crime would go down if everyone did this and IL was so hard on gun laws.
Concealed carry....

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Sigh. Ironic that my wife has 4 guns and usually does conceal and carry. She will for sure do it every time she goes out now. Now she has to reapply for her FOID and conceal carry license since they were in her stolen purse. For the last 2 nights, we have guns placed strategically in the house ready to go (we don't have kids).
Sorry to hear about this, but at least it wasn't a violent carjacking.

This is why I carry every single day. I hope none of us actually has to use it, but don't hesitate to use it.

I had a situation the week before Thanksgiving happen where I'm quite certain I was about to be carjacked, and without going into details, just being aware of who was around me by staring dead in the eyes of the degenerates was enough to convince them to move on. I'm glad that I didn't have to experience shooting someone, but I was 100% ready to. The adrenaline dump wiped me out for the rest of the night.

Glad to hear it was just a theft though and not something worse. Property can always be replaced whereas our lives cannot be.
I agree with you 100% DD. I hope I never have to use my firearms, I will to protect my family. I showed my wife how to fire my shotgun, AR and hand guns. Plus adding her finger prints to the guns in the rooms we have them in.

We have kids so we need them in safes
Glad it wasn't violent. I was one of the first CC'ers in Illinois too. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst. But it's a huge responsibility. Remember the law in IL is stacked against us. If your wife had opened fire on the guy stealing her car without her life being in immediate danger as seen by anti-gunners, she'd be going to jail for a long time and perp would probably sue her too (or his family if dead). That's why I have CC insurance and recommend it to everyone who carries.
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Quick update on this:

Cops called last night and they caught two teenagers driving my car around United Center. They were super high and blew a couple of stop signs. The car is wrecked front and back, not enough for total loss though so we will be taking the car to repair shop. None of my wife's belongings were in the car so we lost about $1,500 in valuables. Unfortunately, auto insurance won't cover that. The car inside smells of really bad weed and there are scratches all over the seats and center console.

We plan to press charges. The police said these two been caught before for stealing cars but the victims did not press charges for fear of retaliation. We are also concerned about that but we feel it's our duty to press charges. If the previous victims pressed charges, my car may not have gotten stolen. I don't want anyone else to be in our shoes. One of them is 18 and one is 17.
It's a pretty sad world we live in where criminals can get away with crime because people are afraid to prosecute. Probably for good reason though. Thats a brave thing to do, especially when they know where you live. Stay locked and loaded for a while for sure. Glad you got the car back. Hopefully the mechanicals you can't see are ok too. Please stay safe.
Glad it wasn't violent. I was one of the first CC'ers in Illinois too. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst. But it's a huge responsibility. Remember the law in IL is stacked against us. If your wife had opened fire on the guy stealing her car without her life being in immediate danger as seen by anti-gunners, she'd be going to jail for a long time and perp would probably sue her too (or his family if dead). That's why I have CC insurance and recommend it to everyone who carries.

I dont know about her life not being in immediate danger in todays crazy world we live in anythings possible dont even turn the news on anymore as its to depressing , in a jury i'm thinking justifiable as she felt threatened and could have been taken along with the car and personals ..Paging Charley Bronson to the courtesy phone ...