Halcon's 93G Cube


New member
So the family and I have had so much fun with our biocube that we have been looking for a family room display tank. I didn't want to buy a new one, when I see so many good tanks for sale on craigslist. I picked up this marineland 93G cube pre-drilled with overflow and stand for $500 from someone in Pontiac Illinois. Some of the nicest people I have ever met. I didn't realize how big this cube was before showing up. I think aquascaping on this can be pretty unique and different.

It came with no reef usable lights and a marineland c3 sump. I thought it would be fine if I could use the sump (getting rid of the biowheels and cartridge filter) and use Purigen (known to cure cancer :)) and Chemi-Pure. But I don't think I can use the middle chamber for macroalgae and sand, unless someone has tried before? I guess I'll have to get a sump and protein skimmer, anyone have some used ones for sale? :)

Recommendations on lights would be helpful too, I've read the LED threads and while the EcoTech's sound awesome, I don't want to drop that kinda cash for now. The tank is 30X30X24. I know the first question before answering lights would be what do I want to keep, SPS, LPS etc. I think I would like to stay with LPS, then later keep LPS in the biocube and use the 93G cube for SPS, after very well established.

Any feedback or recommendations welcome as this is a whole new setup compared to a BioCube :) - LOL



New member
First suggestion, and it sounds odd, but give it a shot... Turn the tank so the overflow is in the corner of the room. Let it sit that way for a day or two and see if you like it. You can do a world of different aquascaping with the tank tucked in like that. Some members here have done a corner cube setup and they end up looking really good.

Lil BamBam

Premium member
First suggestion, and it sounds odd, but give it a shot... Turn the tank so the overflow is in the corner of the room. Let it sit that way for a day or two and see if you like it. You can do a world of different aquascaping with the tank tucked in like that. Some members here have done a corner cube setup and they end up looking really good.
+1 On a corner cube:D


New member
Hi folks, just updating on my 93G cube. Almost ready to fill with water, rock and sand.

Installed skimmer, sump w/ refugium and worked on plumbing. Also hung the two radions from the ceiling, worked out well. Also installed a new RO/DI unit in laundry room :), wife loves me.

I added sand to the main area and then decided to add water to the overflow compartment to check for leaks on the bulkheads (this was a used aquarium I bought on craigslist). Sure enough, the bulkheads are leaking. I think I fixed one, but the other was messed up and I couldn't get the bolt off to put anything on it (I guessed they used cement). I had to cut the bolt off and have a new bulkhead on its way. Small set back, but fixable.

I think the lights looks cool, I played with the software a bit, pretty cool how you can program the lights. I have to admit, the thunderstorm mode is a cool demo.

Thanks again for the forums, I've learned alot from just reading the information from this site and using my biocube as a starter tank. Everyone is so nice about taking the time to answer questions and offer thoughts and guidance.



Active member
Looking good. Good idea leaving some space on the sides to get back there. We have our cube pushed into a cubby area and its tough to access areas when needed.

Looking forward to this build!


New member
@jcarlilesiu - agree, I did like having the overflow in the corner but that felt like 1) I couldn't work under the cabinet very well 2) you couldn't see two sides of the tank. So we decided to place it in the middle of this small wall in family room so you can see three sides and I can work under. Glad I did after my plumbing issue, LOL.



Active member
@jcarlilesiu - agree, I did like having the overflow in the corner but that felt like 1) I couldn't work under the cabinet very well 2) you couldn't see two sides of the tank. So we decided to place it in the middle of this small wall in family room so you can see three sides and I can work under. Glad I did after my plumbing issue, LOL.

Better to take it apart and do it right than live with the error.

I can't reach the back bottom of my tank without snorkel gear.


New member
Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update on my 93G cube. I've been taken it slow, but think I'm just about ready for livestock.

-Sandbed came out to about 3", I was hoping for 4" but I think this will work ok, I can always add more later.
-Added a JBJ ATO, tested and working well already.
-Moved some CUC from the biocube to larger tank.
-Added 50lbs of new dry rock
-Added 40lbs of live rock from a friend of mine
-Changed the aquascape no less than ten times :)
-Moved some chaeto and two red mangroves from biocube to refugium in sump.

I like seeing sand so I tried to keep the rock in the back and covering some of the overflow. I might take some smaller rock pieces later for zoa or mushroom islands, but want to keep a fair amount of sand.

Tank has been running for about four weeks, had a small diatom breakout and that has left. I tested yesterday and Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate are all at 0. So I think I'm just about ready to add some fish, and maybe move some hardy softcorals from the biocube to get some color going.

I'm loving the Radions. I'm so glad I spent the extra money and went with these, I see no reason to change these out for a long time so worth the investment. I need to sign up for SkullV's PAR lease :) now that I think I have the rock work almost done.

Thanks again for everyone's feedback and answering newbie questions. Suggestions or ideas welcome.



New member
Adding livestock from biocube over

Slowly moving over livestock from biocube to 93G display cube in family room. All parameters are in check, although I do need to get calcium up a little higher. Using Reef Fusion for that.


New member
Hi Folks,

Just adding a new photo of the tank, I've started adding some SPS frags to the 93G cube to see how it goes. I've also recently added an automated dosing system. Enjoying the grow out at this point. Most of the stock from my biocube has been added to this larger DT. Trying to figure out what I want to do with the biocube long term.