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  1. C

    Coral on plugs??

    When you guys get corals that are on plugs how do you place them in your tanks? Do you put yours in sand or try and find a hole in the rock to stick the plugs in? Does or has anybody used a drill to create holes in the rock for the plugs? Trying to find the best way to stand my corals up...
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    Chicagoland Aquariums

    Chicagoland Aquariums There is a newer LFS in Bradley illinois. Its called Chicagoland Aquariums. This place is amazing. They have some amazing fish and corals. Along with some high end and rare corals as well. The owner Bobby Moon is amazing. And will get you anything you need. I've been all...
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    Catching a coral banded shrimp?????

    Any advice on catching a coral banded shrimp. Hes got a cave in my rock work and almost never comes out. Have an Aipstasia problem and need to add some peppermints, but the coral banded keeps killing them all. Need him out asap.
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    Aiptaisa Laser???

    So I saw this video and was wondering if anyone has tried this or something similar? Seems like it works great. Did some searing online and most people ive seen said it has worked for them. Anyone on here with personal experience?
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    Fish questions for a 28g

    I have a 28g Bio cube that has currently been set up for just about a year. We currently have 2 clownfish, 1 bicolor blenny, 1 coral banded shrimp, some snails, and a sand conch. We want to add at least one more fish and maybe two. What would you guys recommend. It is a reef set up. We also...
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    Xenia taking over, frag help

    Can anybody talk me through how to frag a Xenia? I have a Xenia taking over my tank and was told that if I just rip it out or cut it, that it could release some toxins into my tank. If anyone could help me I would greatly appreciate it. Ill even give you as much as you want for helping me...
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    Welso Problem

    My welso looks like its pulling away from the skeleton. Its has been very swollen the past few days. Any ideas as to what is going on? Nothing has changed with it.
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    water change?

    What is the best way to do a water change? I have a 28 gallon bio cube and need to do a water change. Would it be better to take out the 5 gallons and then put 5 more in, or would it be better to take out a little bit and then add and repeat til done?
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    Unknown algae

    Can anyone tell me what kind of algae this is? It looks like grass growing off my rocks, and on the back wall of my tank. And finally what can I use to get rid of it?
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    Amazing Fish Store

    So I didn't know where to put this because its technically not a LFS, but im currently in Atlanta and my wife and I stopped a LFS down here. This by far is the most amazing Fish store I have ever been to. The place is called Atlanta Aquarium in Duluth Georgia. He had 4 absolutely huge tanks...
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    Clam in a 28g Nano?

    What do you guys think about putting a clam in a 28g Nano cube? Ive seen some people have put them in theirs, but what do you guys think? I do plan on upgrading soon. Weve had the nano set up for about 1 1/2 months right now and im already hooked. Thinking we will be upgrading to at least a...
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    algae help

    So ive been getting a build up of algae right above my sand line. Takes some serious scrubbing to get it off. Are there any inverts that would be great for this kind of algae?
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    GSP question

    Hey guys, I have a GSP that has been doing great. About a week ago I started seeing a branch or two dying. Now today I have a dead spot about as big as a 50 cent piece. Anyone know what could be causing this, or what I can do to remedy the problem? Thanks in advance.
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    Acan and Blasto question?

    Where do you guys put your acans and blastos in your tanks? I was told they like medium to high lighting and flow, but have been reading some info that says the acans like low lighting and flow. I have a 28g b nano-cube. Kinda new to coral so just looking for some advice. Don't really want...
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    Watchmen Goby being a bully?

    So we put a watchman goby in our tank on Thursday night. All seemed fine. Then on Saturday night I noticed our clowns were looking pale, and our bicolor blenny has some white spots on its face. Was doing some research with both of these and it sounds like they are stressed out. Sounds like...
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    I need some advice. I found a guy that has a 28 gallon nano cube for sale for 400, comes with a stand. his description states 28 gallon nano cube with stand. Led lights and wave maker. 2 clowns a six line wrasse a big mandarin. 2 star fish. Snails n crabs. Sally light foot and emerald crab...