75 Gallon Flow


New member
Ever since i down sized from my 90 gallon i can not seem to get the flow right in my 75 gallon. I have two jebos. RW4 and a PP4. both 4000L or 1030 G Ruffly and i have to keep them both on the lowest setting to keep from anything (corals) blowing around too much. A return pump is a Jebo 3000L and its on the middle setting. Anyone else have a 75 and what are you running? or if anyone else has any advice?

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I have a rimless 65 Gal Setup I run a Jebao DC-9000 set to max setting but with about 5ft of head pressure. I also have two WP-40's setup as a master/Slave setup so they alternate on and off from one another and they are both on the lowest setting. If I turn them up any more than they are my 3" sand bed kicks up a sandstorm in the tank.... But with this setup there seems to be plenty of random flow throughout the tank.


New member
ive gotten my return pump turned to about 90% now. and the circulation pumps still low but pulsating . ive done the best i can do for now. its close enough to what ive seen other good setups look like.