90 gallon fw build


So I ended up getting an old 90g that has the thick glass and no center brace. Had to clean it out earlier. Cleaned it out earlier and cleaned the gravel that was in there. I am most likely going to build a new stand for it to match the one I built for my 60 cube because the one that came with the tank is not in the best shape. As for filtration I'm going to use an fx5 and an ac110 that I have laying around and as for lighting probably get a cheap 4 bulb t5ho fixture and maybe some leds. For substrate I'm going to go with 60-80lbs of black Eco complete and mix in a bag of the red ecocomplete to give it a little contrast. As for the decor I'm going to get some nice drift wood pieces and some live plants. As for live stock I'm thinking about going with some discus, some Cardinal tetras, a few different fancy plecos, a few clown loaches to keep any snail problem down, and maybe some other community fish. I will start on this project in about a week or two after my 60 is up and running.

Here are some pics from earlier
