

New member
I just recently added an anemone to my tank. My Clown fish have taken to it almost immediately. Today I noticed that the anemone shrank. Is this normal?
As long as your tank is stable and your water parameters are good, don't worry.

It's also not uncommon for newly introduced anemones to flush itself in a way to acclimate itself.

If it is expelling waste, you may or may not see some brown, black, or even white stuff come out of the mouth. Don't be alarmed!

If the anemone stays shrunken for several hours at a time let us know.
i always wondered, i know the clown loves it, but what if the anemone doesn't want the clown? is that even possible?
i always wondered, i know the clown loves it, but what if the anemone doesn't want the clown? is that even possible?

Out of the ten hosting anemones ...... Normally we don't see problems between anemone and clownfish. They have a symbiotic relationship, and in the wild their life is dependant on each other.

However, there are some anemones that have eaten their clowns. There is also debate as to whether the clown was healthy or not when it became dinner. I tend to believe that in most cases, the clownfish was weak.
I agree with everyone...Totally normal for the anemone to shrink..
As far as anemones that don't host, the condy(which is the most popular sold anemone in many lfs) don't have a relationship with clowns because they are from a whole different region that clowns are not from...and they will eat your clown fish and other tank inhabitants. They also get super huge.