Anyone Run Chemi-Pure In A Reactor?

I was thinking of running Chemi-pure in my sump but don't have a good spot to put it. I was thinking of just dropping it in my filter sock, but I think most of the return water will just flow around the bag and not through it. Then I thought about putting it in a reactor. Anyone shove a bag of it in a reactor?


Premium member
I have, i opened the bag and poured it in. it works better if you put Some sponges on top and bottom to keep it secure and keep from grinding itself to dust.
I was thinking of leaving it in the bag and putting it in the reactor. That would probably help keep it from grinding into dust.


New member
If you're going to do that might as well buy bulk carbon and bulk GFO. The ammonia absorbing resin that is also in chemo pure isn't effective in saltwater. Cheaper to do it yourself.


New member
I have, i opened the bag and poured it in. it works better if you put Some sponges on top and bottom to keep it secure and keep from grinding itself to dust.
Was it a mess?

Isn't there a gel inside there? Also did u have to keep the flow super low so it didn't blow the media all over the place? What about mixing it with some gfo or carbon or stack them in the same reactor?

Sorry just typing out my thoughts on this.


Premium member
No mess, just rinse with ro first. It looks like carbon. Secure with sponges. I now use gfo and carbon mixed in my reactor. Its cheaper .


Active member
I did at one point i mixed chemi pure and carbon in the same reactor. In my opinion i would say slow flow and if u do use carbon i wouldn't run it 24/7.. carbon can bleach ur tank by absorbing too much, this is when a timer can come in handy.