Bta ......&£@¥ %€$


New member
Is it normal for a female clown to suck on tentacles of a bta nem?!? She just started hosting it 3 days ago and I come home from work and see she sucking on all the tentacles on the bottom of the nem.


New member
In and out trying to convince the male it's ok lol. He doesn't care for it as much as her. She keeps trying to wrangle him tho.


Premium member
She teaseing your male saying look at what i can do . Dam woman then they will marry move in together and she wont do it no more lol


New member
You know, it's funny, but I noticed my two clown fish hanging out by some zoas and one of them was putting the zoas in its mouth like it was kissing the corals. I noticed that this one clown of the pair would have its mouth open a bit more than the other and had a little whiteness there and didn't know if it was a fish problem or a side effect of smooching zoas. The two of them have been hanging out by these corals like it's their new little home the same way they would nuzzle up to a trachyphillia I had a ways back.

- Jim


my clowns mouth wouldn't close after hosting and sucking on a hammer lol .so I put the hammer in my other tank and my other clown had his mouth stuck open. so I fragged my hammer so they wouldn't host it.