Bubble Coral


New member
My bubble coral has not been looking so great the last 3~4 days. Does anyone else keep this LPS?

My tank parameters are (as of a few days ago):

PH - 8.1 - API
Nitrate - undetectable - API
Calcium - 500ppm - API
ALK - 10 DKH - API
SG 1.026 - Refractometer
PO4 - undetectable - Salifert
Temp 26.5c ~ 27.3c
Amonia - undetectable - API
Nitrate - undetectable - API

My tank inhabitants include: 2 False Percs, 6 line wrasse, Randalls Goby - all of which leave it alone. I do see my cleaner shrimp hopping on/off it occasionally.

I have had the bubble coral for about a month ~25 inches
under a mp40 PH (it gets a gentle under tow current) but didn't seem to mind it. I also have it under PC lighting and in addition I feed DT's coral food every week. I run carbon (which I recently changed), GFO, and a skimmer. Everything else in the tank seems to be doing okay at the moment. Are they moody? Can you offer some advice? Thank you.



New member
Your water parameters are right on. I just recently sold mine. try moving it to a spot that get's the least amount of flow in the sandbed. they don't like alot of flow. I'm not sure about your lighting as I had mine under hallide and it was doing fine. From the picture it just looks closed up, mine did that if the flow is too strong. Just try finding a sweet spot for it on the sandbed with low flow and still getting light.


Active member
Flow. Mine loves light but had to get utu between two rocks so that the flow was much more gentle. Mine did look like that from the flow blowing skin on skeleton.


New member
I decided not to move it just yet and over the last two days it seems to be acting normal again. *shrug Maybe it was just being moody for a few days.

I am new and still working on not freaking out every time I spot something acting strange.