Careful with your zoas


New member
I was talking about this with a friend not too long ago. Apparently some guy was fragging his zoas in a bucket of water and his dog drank the water from the bucket and was dead the next day. I don't know if that's a fact or just a story but it makes you think twice before reaching in your tank without gloves on that's for sure.


New member
Good times ain't it? Lol after pruning my zoas I make sure to wash my hands really well and nor touch my eyes lol

I think puffer had palytoxin poisoning recently, dunno if that's the same but I don't want to get neither! Lol


New member
I heard something about someone's dog getting a hold of a Zoa too, and died with in 12 hours. Scary business!


New member
I heard a simular story of a guy cleaned his tank and buried the sand and stuff in a garden and the dog dug it up ate some and died. Don't know if fact or not .
I was talking about this with a friend not too long ago. Apparently some guy was fragging his zoas in a bucket of water and his dog drank the water from the bucket and was dead the next day. I don't know if that's a fact or just a story but it makes you think twice before reaching in your tank without gloves on that's for sure.