Coral dip vs Bayer?


I've had a few sps I've fragged die after I've dipped in Coral dip. I'm following the directions 4 caps per gallon and then I have an air lone running in my coral dipping bowl.

I'm thinking about switching Bayer.

Anyone have issues with coral dip or Bayer?
I've used Bayer with no problems at all.

Many stores stop stocking it for winter.

Last year a scare went out that they were discontinuing and many stockpiled; but as far as I know the stores were just making space for other seasonal items.
I've been using Bayer for 4 years now. I've used coral RX and Lugals iodine too. Anecdotal but with coral RX/iodine dips I got flatworms. With Bayer I didn't. And I noticed with Bayer it'll stun the flatworms for a hot minute and when you shake a coral they'll all fall off. With coral dips they barely get affected. Neither kills them or their eggs though.

Anyway Bayer all the way for me, seems to more efficient in killing everything but the coral.

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Ive been using Bayer for years now. I don't even measure. I just put few drips in and swish around. Always has done a good job for me.

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