CR Facelift - new themes - light and dark versions


Premium member

iPhone 6 home page looks funny. The rest of the site looks fine

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Light version - Easy to read and navigate...

Dark version - Don't like to ready font on dark backgrounds and harder to navigate.


Premium member
It is defiantly a split decision. Both will stay and I will keep them both updated.

Please keep letting me know which you prefer so I know which to set as the default.


Premium member
I have just a couple suggestions to throw out there.

The top main tabs would look better in my opinion under the Chicago Reefs logo. If you had the logo take up the top left section by itself it would look cleaner. Our personal profile navigation bar would look better under it and away from the ad box because on a smart phone its close to the ad and sometimes causes you to click on the ad. We don't really need a private messages tab because notifications in our profile tabs notifies us of the same thing.

Not trying to step on toes, just trying to be helpful. Otherwise I like the new darker theme.


How about you give us the dusk and dawn effect lol lighter in the morning and dark at night. Like both of them great job josh.


Premium member
I'll conclude the test, the new face will stay. The light theme will be default as I heard no one hating on it, leaving the dark theme as an choice for anyone who likes it.

I don't have any reports of new problems and some of the old login problems are resolved with the new theme. If anyone does have a problem, we'll troubleshoot it, just shoot me a message.