Cromag's biocube 29


Hi everyone, I am still new to saltwater fish. I purchased Fishbeard's biocube that he was selling. right not in the tank i have 2 clown fish, 1 coral beauty and a BTA and a small CUC that i will be getting more of!



New member
Lookin good! Love the aquascaping, it's going to be sweet once you start dropping corals in there! Hope you guys enjoy the tank and able to give it all the attention it deserves.


the tank is doing great! i am actually sitting at home waiting on the ups man, i have a shipment of corals coming today. i will get some pictures once everything is in place. Oh I had to pick up some peppermint shrimp to take care of a small apatasia problem. they took care of it rather fast! :)


I placed some corals yesterday and i wanted to update this with some new pictures






