DYI new led build for biocube 29


Well-known member
ok im about to start a DYI led build for my biocube 29 ..

plan is to have a one inch conduit attached to the stand and hang the heatsink from it ..

i have little too many questions before i can go ahead and place the order from rapidleds

1. optics

what optics should i be using if i am going with a 6 x 18 inch heatsink and 24 leds. what i am worried about is about those circles of light we see on some of the dyi led tanks ...

2. height

how high from the water should the fixture be ?


Well-known member
im thinking of going with

12 rb cree 3 watts (or 5 watts)
8 cree warm white (5 watt)

and 4 of another color to get those extra color out of corals ( red, green and 2 uv) ...not sure of these colors yet


New member
I would advise to skip the optics and run about 5-6inches above the water,or in the canopy. If you're set on using optics then about 10-12'' above the tank.


Well-known member
also what color combo should i be going with ??

i mean 12 RBs and 8whites

what should other 4 leds be ? 2 UV and a red and a green ?


Well-known member
Don't use all royal blues,mix 4blue and 4rb. 8whites is ok,2uv 1red 1green is a great color spectrum.
ok so 4 blue .. 8 royal blue and 8 whites and 2 uv and 1 red and 1 green = 24 leds

now have to come up with a grid and layout of colors so the spread is uniform

Thanks much Gus :)


Well-known member
one question though

whats the main reason for those circles that we see in some tanks ??

also my first question .. 6 inches above water and no optics wouldnt there be too much light spillage ??


New member
There will be spillage without optics,you can run closer to water line,but use the led sealent spray,the circles come from the optics,it's the consequense of using them. You can get around that by using a honeycomb optic. I see now that there will be 24leds total,that will be very blue in color. If you're not happy with such a blue spectrum,swap 2blues for whites and you'll achieve a crisper color.


Well-known member
There will be spillage without optics,you can run closer to water line,but use the led sealent spray,the circles come from the optics,it's the consequense of using them. You can get around that by using a honeycomb optic. I see now that there will be 24leds total,that will be very blue in color. If you're not happy with such a blue spectrum,swap 2blues for whites and you'll achieve a crisper color.
Gus you have always been helpful :)
by swapping out 2 leds to whit you mean
i should go with 4 blues 6 royal blues 10 whites and 2 uv and 1 green and a red ?

thanks for the lead on honeycomb optics ill research


New member
Yes the last combo of 10/10 looks very crisp like a 14K look. The other is a tad on the very ble for my liking and looks un-natural. No problemo on the advise :)


Well-known member
nice :)

ill upload a diagram with what should be where :) please help me with that too :)

also should i go with all 10 warm white or ratio of warm whites and cool whites ?


Active member
I don't like nw in these setups. I plan 2:1 blue to white. Red, green, uv, and turquoise give a cw appearance. The color of 12:8:4.. blue, white and red, green,turquoise and uv. Seems to look 20k. Add more white for 16k. You can also plan ahead and add dim for each channel. This way you can customize brightness. This many LEDs over a running tank will bleach corals unless you acclimate over weeks.


New member
I'll tell ya what, you really only need 16-20 LEDs over a 29 biocube if you are retroing the stock hood. I had the 20 led kit on my old bc29, and I had both channels of LEDs dimmed to like 40-50% and that was still enough to bleach a couple of my Lps corals, and pretty much light up the entire kitchen area the tank was in. The fixture with 20 leds at 100% read nearly 800 par up top under the water and still around 350 at the sand. It was ridiculously overpowered. Definitely go dimmable with your kit to dial in the right amount of light and get the color spectrum you enjoy looking at, no need to go overboard and spend more money than necessary to get the job done, the bc29 is a pretty small tank to light up.