Elive led track lights

What do you guys think of these Elive LED Track Lights you can customize the output pattern and direction of light coverage for your aquarium. The fixture features a two-track lighting system that allows you to slide each LED POD back and forth to set up the coverage that you desire, giving you 120° of light dispersion. Blue LEDs are adjustable with channel dimmer to control overall color temperature of the fixture.

The lighting system comes with seven 1w LED PODs (five 10k white, two 445nm blue). Additional Light PODs are sold separately

http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=elive led track light 36&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&docid=LtQhRBqGu0yvWM&tbnid=3sOHtiRWVXUpVM:&ved=0CAYQjRw&url=http://www.thatpetplace.com/elive-led-track-light-7-pod-7w-36-in&ei=iCYmU-nHFIb_yQHmxoCIDA&bvm=bv.62922401,d.aWc&psig=AFQjCNFR0tUVBnVWgjUNZn5SyI6Zu8nMhw&ust=1395095558523821


New member
Fine on a FOWLR. Spectrum should be good for looking at fish and growing coralline. No good for a reef though.