Environmental Data On Fiji's Reefs


New member
I will be traveling to Fiji in about a week to shoot a documentary and was wondering if anyone had any kind of environmental information they would be interested in knowing . For example, I am planning on taking some PAR readings at various depths as well as salinity and temp readings. If there are any other stats/experiments you would like to know, please post it up and I will see if we can accommodate it.



Active member
Thanks Justin- This is great that your doing this. Wish I could tag along- I would like to know if there are different CA, MAG and ALK levels by depth or do they stay the same in one area to the next?


temp for sure, especially above the reefs, and if you are doing any history shots of increases/decreases. i would love to see you prove Al Gore more wrong than he already was.


New member
@ Tank2379 - I will add those to the list as long as we have room for the test kits.
@ Scotty - got it.


New member
ORP wouldn't really give any solid data because it would constantly be changing. I would have to set up a meter to run constantly and unfortunately, our trip wont be conducive to doing that. Good idea, though :)