Evo 13.5 - Mandarin Growout Tank

Yes, I know what you are all thinking. A 13.5 is way too small of a tank for mandarins, which I am aware of. Well I'm going to be using this tank as a temporary grow-out tank for a pair of captive-bred @Biota_Marine Mandarins before they make their way into my 100g display tank. I want to make sure they are properly eating, and growing before they go into my large tank.

Once the mandarins are larger and are moved, I will maintain this tank as a nano tank. So it is kind of a dual purpose tank.

Anyway, I've had the 13.5 sitting around for awhile, and decided to put it to good use. The tank has been running about three weeks now. I moved two small pieces of live rock from my main tank to help with the cycling process. Currently have some algae growing on the sand, but otherwise it's going good.

Mandarins will be ordered soon.

Current Equipment List:
-Fluval Evo 13.5 tank
-Stock Lighting
-Fluval M50 50-watt heater
-Sicce Syncra 0.5 pump
-Fluval CP2 powerhead
-inTank basket for chamber 1 with chemipure and a sponge
-AutoAqua Smart ATO Lite connected to my large reservoir for my display
-About 10 lbs of Caribsea Liferock

Stocking List
-Yellow Watchman Goby
-Pulsing Xenia (removed from display tank)
-Assorted frags

I like your idea, much easier to ensure the mandarins are doing great before moving to larger environment. Tank looks good, but that portion hanging over the edge would make me a little nervous.