Feeding a small Regal Tang


Well-known member
I've got a small (1.5") regal tang in QT hats currently being treated with copper for suspected velvet. He has been reluctant to eat, and I've only seen him eat a few small pieces of nori. Any suggestions? I've tried mysis, brine, rods, and LRS all soaked in garlic.

He shares the QT with a yellow tang and Valentini puffer who both eat well. I'm suspecting parasites/medication are suppressing his appetite, but he's starting to look skinny so I need so advice on how to get him eating.

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Top Water

New member
My guess is it's already too late . This is a touchy fish that need a big tank with lots of hiding places otherwise it will just be stressed and die . Yes I do have one and have had it for years. Hope I'm wrong .

Reefwise has the best experience with these fish .
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