FishWrangler's Planted Tanks

Fish Wrangler

New member
Before I got my salty tank going I had a planted tank for 6 months, and then I got a second planted tank. The first one and my reef are side by side with a tv between them in the living room, and the second one is in my bedroom on a dresser.

Tank #1- 29 gallon high tech

Equipment- fluval 306 canister with inline co2 diffuser, fluval full spectrum plant LED, Finnex Planted+ 24/7 LED, 5lb co2 tank, hydrogarden regulator, a 50watt heater, a 150 watt heater, and an eheim skim350

Flora- pogostemon stellatus "octopus", alternanthera reineckii "mini", staurogyene repens, pogostemon helferi, Blyxa japonica, ludwigia sp. "red", rotala rotundifolia, bacopa caroliniana, ranunculus inundatus, vesicularia dubyana (java moss) , java fern, fissidens fontanus, anubias nana "petite", and cryptocoryne wendtii "red".

Fauna- 1 breeding German Blue Ram pair, 2 otocinclus catfish, 7 striped kuhli loaches, 16 neon tetras, 2 nerite snails, a bunch of Malaysian trumpet snails, possibly an assassin snail(I keep finding empty MTS shells), and 2 amano shrimp.

Fertilizers- PPS-PRO dry fertilizers micros and macros(minus kno3) dosed daily

Lights run for 7 hours a day and co2 comes on 1.5 hours before the lights and turns off 1 hour before the lights.
This tank requires daily attention and weekly trimmings to keep everything looking nice

Once a week I do a 10 gallon water change with 50% RO/DI and 50% tap water

Tank #2- 20 gallon long Natural Planted Tank(NPT)/Low tech

Equipment- Aqua Clear 50 HOB, single 18 watt T8 light and hood, and a 150 watt heater.

Flora- bacopa caroliniana, java fern, anubias nana "petite", ludwigia sp "rubin", cryptocoryne wendtii "red", vesicularia dubyana (java moss), and hygrophila polysperma.

Fauna- 7 pepper corydas catfish, 12 red cherry shrimp (breeding colony), assassin snails( I use this tank to breed and grow them)

Fertilizers- fish/shrimp poop and food. I don't dose anything in this tank

Lights-run for 8 hours a day

This tank requires monthly trimmings and I do a 5 gallon 100% tap water change weekly

(This is an old picture so not all the plants I listed are in here)

It seems that whenever I have a problem in my saltwater tank my 29gallon is going great, but when the 29 gallon is in a slump the saltwater tank is going great. Its nice because I always have a tank to watch and it allows me to relax.