Fuge lighting


Anyone have any luck growing macros with a cheap amazon plant/hydropontic grow light? I just purchased one for $25 and wanted to know if anyone has ever tried one out. If you just look up led grow light panel you'll see what I'm talking about.
The spectrum on it looks good for growing macros, but it's also just $25...
I'm going to try to grow out chaeto and grape calurpa.


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I get em on ebay for $11.00 free shipping and i leave them on 24/7 and they grow chaeto,caulerpa,red dragon ,Mexicana and racemosa grape just fine ....Try and keep the Racemosa (grape) away from others, when it takes off it will entwine everything else.


After 1 week, I can say that these lights are working amazingly. I have them running 15.5 hours a day and I have a 2 layer fuge. I have chaeto on top of some egg crate and grape calurpa beneath. The chaeto nearly doubled in size and the calurpa is spreading very nicely. I started with about a baseball size chaeto and 2 branches of calurpa.

If you want a cheap light, then get one of these!